The Eldorado Mountain site is located 8 miles southwest of downtown Boulder at an elevation of 8,300 feet. Repeaters at this site cover the Denver Metro area and areas to the east and northeast. Since this site is not as deep into the mountains, it gives better coverage along the foothills.
145.460 -- the 145.460 MHz (input -.600 MHz) W0CRA/R two-meter repeater provides handheld coverage to the Boulder/Longmont area. The 145.460 repeater is continuously linked to the CRA VHF Link System (147.225 and 224.980 Westcreek and 145.160 Cheyenne Mountain repeaters).
The repeater requires a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz for access. The repeater transmits a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. You can program your radio to only receive signals with the tone to prevent reception of noise and intermod.
The repeater is comprised of a GE Master II repeater, an S-COM 7K controller, a Decibel Products duplexer, and a 9-db antenna mounted 50-feet up a tower with a directional pattern aimed east. The link to the CRA VHF Link System is by Allstar over a ham band microwave digital link.
447.975 -- the 447.975 MHz (input -5.000 MHz) W0CRA/R 70-centimeter (UHF) repeater provides handheld UHF coverage to the Boulder/Longmont area.
The repeater requires a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz for access. The repeater transmits a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. You can program your radio to only receive signals with the tone to prevent reception of noise and intermod.
This repeater is comprised of a GE Master II repeater, S-COM 7K controller, a Decibel Products duplexer and a 6-db antenna mounted 50-feet up a tower with a directional pattern aimed east.