
The Simla site is located 7 miles north of the town of Simla, Colorado. This site covers the eastern end of Elbert County.

147.105 -- the 147.105 MHz (input +.600 MHz) WA0DE/R two-meter repeater is continuously linked to the 448.425 MHz repeater to extend repeater coverage across both Douglas and Elbert counties.  This repeater is used by ARES Region 1 District 5 during exercises and emergencies.

The repeater requires a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz for access. The repeater transmits a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. You can program your radio to only receive signals with the tone to prevent reception of noise and intermod.

The repeater is comprised of a Kenwood TKR-750 repeater, a GE Master IIe link, an S-COM 7K controller, a Decibel Products duplexer, and a 9-db antenna mounted 250-feet up a tower with an omnidirectional pattern.  The link to 448.425 is by analog RF.

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