There are many Nets on the CRA repeater systems, covering a wide range of topics. Unless otherwise noted, the nets meet on the CRA VHF Link System repeaters of 147.225 in Westcreek, 145.460 in Boulder, and 145.160 in Colorado Springs.
Every Sunday evening the APRS Net is at 7 PM and the Rocky Mountain Monitoring Net is at 8 PM. If you are interested in Automated Position Reporting via amateur radio, or in topics related to scanning, radios and general communications monitoring, those nets are for you.
On Monday evenings, at 8 PM, the Colorado QRP Club sponsors the QRP Interest Net which covers low power operations.
On Tuesday at 7 PM is the 285 Tech Connect net, discussing a variety of technical topics related to amateur radio and technology. This net meets on the 145.145 and 447.575 Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain repeaters.
On Thursday at 8 PM, ARES region 1 district 5, which covers Douglas and Elbert Counties meets on the 448.425 and 147.105 repeaters to discuss Amateur Radio Emergency Services related topics. All amateurs anywhere interested in emergency communications are welcome to participate.