The new CRA repeater site is called Westcreek. It is located southwest of Larkspur at 9200 feet elevation. A team of 11 hams representing the CRA, ARESDEC, and RMHam traveled to the site on Saturday 11/11/2017 to install racks, run cable, install conduit and AC outlets, install lightning protection, mount antennas and feedlines on the tower, install a UHF multicoupler/combiner and make low loss jumpers.
We do not expect the repeater coverage to be the same as it was from Conifer. When using the CRA VHF Linked System, you may have to select a different repeater than you have used in the past to access the system.
— 147.225 has been upgraded to a Motorola MTR2000 at 40 watts operating on a temporary antenna at 90 feet up the tower. Coverage is from the southern edge of the Denver area and throughout Douglas County. The antenna system is planned to be upgraded next summer to improve coverage in the Denver area.
— Due to technical issues, it was not possible to move 447.150 to Westcreek. Instead, we have moved our 448.425 repeater to Westcreek. This repeater is a Motorola MTR2000 at 100 watts operating on a multicoupler/combiner system with split antennas near the top of the tower. Coverage is excellent across Douglas County and much of the Denver Metro area.
ARES in Douglas and Elbert Counties uses the 448.425 repeater for communications.
Because of the 2-meter coverage of the new site, users in the Denver Metro area and northeast will usually use 145.460. Users in Douglas County will use 147.225 or 145.460, selecting the one that works best. Users in Colorado Springs and southeast will use 145.160.
We are interested in signal reports for the new 147.225 and 448.425 repeater locations. You can send those to us at