The Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain (pronounced mess-taw-HAY, formerly known as Squaw Mountain) site was the CRA‘s second site to be developed.
Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain is located 20 miles west of Denver at an elevation of 11,440 feet with wide-area coverage including the I-70 corridor to the Eisenhower/Johnson tunnels. If you are currently using another Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain repeater due to your location or inability to access one of our other repeaters, you should be able to use the 145.145 or 447.575 repeaters.
The club leases facilities from the Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain site owner. Due to technical advances and a dedication to be one of the premier front range repeater sites, our landlord requires all amateur two-meter repeaters located on Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain use the same transmit and receive antennas. This means that all two-meter amateur repeaters located on Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain have virtually the same coverage.
This site is only accessible by snowcat, snowmobile, snowshoes, etc., during the winter months.
145.145 — the 145.145 MHz (input -.600 MHz) W0CRA/R two-meter repeater is the rag-chew repeater of all rag-chew repeaters. For activity at all hours and discussions on almost all topics, this is the place to be! The 145.145 repeater averages 50 to 80 hours of use per week.
This repeater requires a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz for access. The repeater transmits a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. You can program your radio to only receive signals with the tone to prevent reception of noise and intermod.
The repeater is comprised of a GE Master II repeater, ARR preamp, and an S-COM 7330 controller. The repeater shares the Celwave transmitter combiner, receiver multicoupler and a pair of 9-db antennas with directional patterns aimed at Denver with the other Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain two-meter repeaters.
447.575 — the 447.575 MHz (input -5.000 MHz) W0CRA/R 70-centimeter (UHF) repeater provides wide area UHF coverage in the foothills along I-70 and east of the foothills.
The repeater requires a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz for access. The repeater transmits a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. You can program your radio to only receive signals with the tone to prevent reception of noise and intermod.
This repeater is comprised of an GE Master II station repeater with an S-COM 7330 controller, Decibel Products duplexer, ARR preamp, and a 9-db antenna on an 85-foot tower with a directional pattern aimed at Denver.
IRLP node 3291 and an Echolink node are available to members on this repeater.