Update on the status of 145.145 and 145.460

Repeaters and links are operating normally.

[4/16/2022, WA1JHK]

The 145.460 repeater has been repaired and is available for use.

[4/15/2022, WA1JHK]

The 145.145 repeater has been repaired and is available for use.

Work on the 145.460 replacement hardware continues.  (Work has been delayed due to a family emergency.)

[4/7/2022, KB0KZR]

Update on the status of 145.145 and 145.460.

-- We have a replacement PA (power amplifier) ready for 145.145. We will install the replacement as soon as the snow melts enough to drive up there.
-- We have a replacement repeater for 145.460. We plan to install the repeater this coming weekend (4/10/22).

Remember that the Boulder 447.975 is temporarily linked to 145.160 in Colorado Springs and 147.225 in Westcreek while 145.460 is down.

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